About Me!

My favorite first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, was quoted as saying, “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot.” As I embark on my first blog, Roosevelt’s words resonate with me. I decided to start a blog simply because, as a teacher, I have some extra time on my hands this summer and there’s so much I want to do! I figured that if I decided to document my experiences, I would not only get around to actually doing them but I’d enjoy them just a bit more.

Bear with me as I present to you my first hand account, or primary source, of my life. My goal is that this blog will include cultural excursions in and around the New York City including yummy restaurants, historic trips, interesting museums and just old fashioned fun. I’m also hoping to fill you in on past explorations that I still remember fondly.

As an elementary school teacher, I love presenting primary source documents to my students. I tell them that a primary document is written or created during the time of study and it offers an insider’s view. While there are biases everyone must consider when judging a primary source, I enjoy that they offer a rich point of view in history. I hope you enjoy my attempt at creating a primary source in this blog. It’s the world, through my eyes, and I can’t wait for you to read it!


With Eleanor Roosevelt (November 2007)

6 thoughts on “About Me!

  1. Sorry about the above illiterate comment. Meant to say:
    Your writing and thoughts are wonderful. Am in love with Eleanor’s words as well. Good luck with this blog and I look forward to following.

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