
Much Ado About Something

On a beautiful Sunday evening, we went with Jason and Ranita to see Much Ado about Nothing at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park. You can wait in line, join a lottery for tickets online (which you can do daily) or become a supporter of The Public in order to get tickets. The first two options are free but the latter option gives you lots of perks so it’s worth considering. To learn more about ticket options, click the link:

The play itself is hilarious and very easy to follow along for those of us who are a bit rusty with our Shakespeare. Those years of laboring over Macbeth and Hamlet in high school were well worth it but Much Ado is timeless with its quips and archetypal characters. Even Senator Chuck Schumer came out to enjoy the production and before the performance began he gave short remarks about the importance of supporting public art. I couldn’t agree more Senator!

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The set for Much Ado About Nothing with Belvedere Castle in the background.

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Senator Schumer tells the crowd that Congress must support public art as it is not only good for our culture but also our economy.

Shakespeare in the Park is produced by The Public, a nonprofit founded nearly 60 years ago. The Delacorte is the Public’s first permanent home and since 1962 it has been staging performances at the outdoor theatre. The Public equally produces classical, musical, contemporary and experimental pieces but their Shakespeare in the Park series is something no New Yorker should miss.

Much Ado About Nothing closes on July 6th but King Lear, starring John Lithgow, will be on stage from July 22-August 17. My biggest tip is to use the bathroom before you arrive to the theater. The lines for both men and women are staggering in length. Other than that, where some bug spray and enjoy the show!

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2 thoughts on “Much Ado About Something

  1. Lena says:

    Have you seen the most recent Much Ado movie? It was made by Joss Whedon so I am incredibly biased but even Eli loved it! Check it out, well worth it!

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